Friday 31 August 2007

Mission postponed

Dear Friends

We are happy to announce the birth of our son, Levi David Royle. He was born on Friday 24th August at 6.44am. He weighed 9lb 10oz and is 51cm long.

With Levi's late arrival and a busy few months ahead we have decided to postpone the mission trip to Rome in November to a later date. It is a hard decision to make as we were really looking forward to going and had already advertised but we really feel this decision is in the best interest of both my family and the mission. Levi will only be just over 2 months old and a 2 weeks mission is too much for him and for Liz and I at the moment. Even tho we might be able to cope we would not be able to put the work in the Lord wants us to do.

We now plan to go out again in May. I know this will mark a year from my last mission but a year is very short time as far as the Lord is concerned. This would give time to organise the trip more effectively and more time to raise up a mission team. Rome isn't going anywhere and everyday the Lord is equiping us and preparing us for mission giving us a hunger and a zeal.

As I mentioned before, this was a hard decision to make and I felt torn for a time. But the Lord has given me a peace about the decision and I ask you continue to pray and support us and be patient as the Lord works in our lives.



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