Friday, 4 July 2008

New speaking engagement

Tuesday 15th July 2008, 7.30pm
Woodhill Baptist Church, Colwyn Bay
Subject: The Rapture (1 Thess ch4)

Next Mission

Come out of her my people outreach 2009

We plan to go back over the Easter weekend of 2009 (9th-14th April). Once again we will be evangelising at St Peter's square. I am currently designing a leaflet explaining the mission in more depth. It will have a frequently asked questions part to answer any queries one might have about the trip. But just to inform you on some costs- I foresee that from the UK your flight will cost no more than £100 if you fly with my recommendation of Ryanair. We plan to stay at Camping Tiber again in the static homes they provide, which are basic but comfortable... don't let the word CAMPING put you off. Even though Abraham lived in tents we'll try and make sure you don't have to lol The cost will be £25 per night per person.
We NEED more ex-Roman Catholics and more female volunteers to approach young ladies at the Vatican. But anyone is welcome to join as long as you are Born Again (a written testimony is required), have a reference from your Pastor/elder and you are over 18. Speaking Italian isn't necessary but very handy.

The return of the bump

Some of you may know already that Liz and I are expecting our second child in January. Liz is suffering from morning sickness and is tired a lot so please pray for her. We go for the first scan next week.

Some preaching engagements

If you are living in the North Wales area or on holiday here over the summer you might want to visit Woodhill Baptist Church in Colwyn Bay where I attend. The church is sound in doctrine, has good preaching and a good Pastor. I am speaking there on these following dates:
Sunday 6th July, 6.30pm
Subject: Typology of the Drink Offering
Tuesday 29th July, 7.30pm
Subject: The Day of the Lord (1 Thess 5v1-11)
Tuesday 12th August, 7.30pm
Subject: TBA
If you also want a free copy of some teaching I did in South Africa please either contact me or Chris at
The Titles are-
The Gospel of Peace
Psalm 105
The Humanity of Jesus
How to Interpret Bible Prophecy
and if you wish to listen to a Midrash on John 5 you can go to
Anthony Royle