Saturday, 27 October 2007

Mission Rescheduled

Dear Friends
Thank you for your love and support over the last couple of months. Thank you for your patience of the postponement of the November mission. We are happy to announce that the mission has been rescheduled to 21st-24th March 2008 (Good Friday-Easter Monday) We will be conducting an outreach at Vatican City as we should be able to witness to the many Roman Catholics who pilgrim there during this time of year. We also planning 3 teaching sessions on hermeneutics at the Evangelical church in Frascati on 17th-19th March. We have booked our flights and are now making other preparations for the mission. If you wish to join us on the short mission please feel free to contact me for further details either via e-mail or telephone. The closing date for application is January 19th.
Other News
Levi and Liz are in good health. Levi is now 9 weeks old. He weighs 14lb 1oz and is 64cms long. He is fitting into 3-6 months clothes easily. We have started to get back into local ministry again. I have preached a couple of times and continue to disciple a few young people. The bible study group for adults with learning disabilities is going really well. We have recently finished a study on creation and the ten commandments. Soon will be learning about the feasts of Israel, which is a really interactive study. We have an open day at work that we are able to display the work produced from the bible study so I hope the gospel is shared through that to unbelievers. Unfortunately we haven't had the opportunity to go out evangelising much but the Lord still send people our way to share the gospel with.
Our needs
Volunteers to help with March Mission
Financial support for- accommodation in Rome and tracts.
Lots of prayer
We will keep you updated on how the preparations progress and if there are any more needs we can think of.
Anthony Royle
Prayer Requests
Mission in March- Volunteers, organising, finance and soul winning.
Calvary Chapel Rome, Evangelical Church in Frascati and their Pastors (Brent, Robert, Vincenzo and Alessandro)
For Levi to grow in the Lord.
For my family in South Africa.
Spiritual state of Italy.
For guidance in long term mission of Italy.